This is a small selection of the poems and songs that I have written.
The Acrobat
Suspended on a chair up in the air
He was always juggling with words
With a flick of the wrist
He could turn his life around
And blind you with joy and laughter
In a blink like a magician
He could amaze you like a butterfly
In the morning dew
A shimmering blue hue
Fluttering tirelessly making you feel happy
And ever so light, life would be so rosy
Occasionally seeing red walking on a tight wire
He would open your mind
And churn your guts open
It was something about karma
Or about charisma
Playing with a Diabolo
Or balancing acrobatically
With him life was never boring
Always exciting
One day
The acrobat died
He fell from the flying trapeze of life
Turn off the lights
Breakfast with Picasso
I’m having breakfast with Picasso
With bold vibrant ceramics and cubist orange juice
A sparkle of blue lemon and a tint of purple mint
Violin and grapes
It’s like catching a feast with a lasso
Going back to the basics
Building bridges with Africa
And with an ancient visual language
You look at me Pablo and you say:
“Art is a lie that makes us realise the truth”
How do you know Pablo?
Which planet are you from, I want to go there too
Dislocating limbs and observing life through a kaleidoscope
Bring out the microscopes and telescopes
A tambourine, an old guitar, or a trumpet
Who are you listening to?
Did you ever talk to Leonardo, Michelangelo or El Greco?
You’re Jumping on a stained glass
Meeting harlequins and minotaurs
or Les demoiselles d’Avignon
Are you creating havoc or is it organised chaos?
I think I need some stilts
Precursor or pioneer and with scissors, brushes, colours and collages
Follow your instinct and experiment
You’re already ahead of the modern ages
The joy of systematic production
Smash, splash, catch a movement
An arresting colour, a rythm, a banjo, a bit of pink, a bit of blue
Plates, jugs and vases are canvas too
I’m having breakfast with Picasso
Vitality and vibrancy
Deconstruction, construction and profusion
Ideas flow, stumble and go, just like a dove, free and at peace
I’m having such a good time
Come on it’s time to go
The Good Old Man
The Good old man
Has a twinkle in his eyes
His face and hands have wrinkles
He has the experience
And the perspective
To concentrate on what does matter
Quality times together
The good old man
Had good values and principles
Honest and humble, noble or poor
He was sharing jokes and stories
With family, friends and even strangers
He would make you feel at ease
Wherever you came from
He knew right from wrong
And always did good
I will miss the good old man
Because when he’s gone
Some pretty good old truths
Will be gone too
The good thing about superheroes
Is that they are never KO
Flying over the skyscrapers
They always save all the sisters
Disappearing like rockets into the galaxy
They don’t even need telepathy
Diving freely into oceans and lakes
They are never hungry for cakes
They’re so busy, always on the go
They haven’t got the time to go to Tesco
That’s the good thing about heroes
They are really never KO
Les Voitures
C’est une déesse dans sa Mercedes
Il inspire l’envie dans sa Maserati
Il fume un mégot derrière sa Peugeot
Elle a des regrets pour la Chevrolet
Il a des cauchemars dans sa Jaguar
Et joue du banjo dans sa Volvo
Elle a des soucis au sujet de la Bugatti
Et joue au dominos sur le capot de la Renault
Il a la haine dans la Citroën
Elle écoute un medley dans la Bentley
Et chante a tue tête dans la Corvette
Il veut mettre un piano dans l’Alfa Romeo
Ils se disputent des tonnes dans la Aston
Rient aux éclats dans la Mazda
Font des projets de vie dans la Ferrari
Et se réconcilient dans la mini
A Rasta who was called Mika
C’est l’histoire d’un rasta qui s’appelle Mika
In his long dreadlocks
There’s all the power of Africa
Sa façon de marcher me fait penser
A une vieille guitare, légèrement en retard
Un peu en dansant, moitié sirène, moitié renard
Avec la cadence d’un karateka
In his big suitcase, there’s enough rythm
To swing a régiment I have raised my case
Dans son élément in Jamaica
Jouant patiemment de l’harmonica
Sous son bonnet, les cheveux tressés
Il y a les avantages et les décibels de son héritage
In his head the palmtrees are swaying gently
And he can never see at all any worry
With the flow he goes
Porté par le vent
Dans sa tête il y a pleins de mots
Colorés et chauds un peu comme de l’argot
Right now he can’t even begin à danser la beguine
Il a du chagrin il a le beguin
Pour une menagère qui lui dit quoi faire
Alors c’est pour ça qu’il se fait la malle
Parce que ce qu’il aime
C’est que ca balance
Sans attaches ni loi
Ainsi va la vie, c’est vraiment comme ça
Pour le rasta qui s’appelle Mika
J’ai mis du franglais vraiment desolée
C’est bien plus facile de mixer les mots
Pour parler tel quel de ce numéro
(This poem won first prize in the 2010 David Burland International Poetry competition)
The Rebel
He was beautiful and free, a real hero
Always lots of ideas for a scenario
Flying over vast mountains chains and indented fjords
He was truly just like a Lord
People told him to do some networking
But he said, I am a king
People told him to write a CV
That would help him get a job
Disillusioned but persistent
He said, OK, I need a bob
He was always driven, always on a mission
On his way, he was generating a lot of fascination
He didn’t want a revolution
Just a little bit of rebellion
Perhaps, he thought, I should become a monk
To pray all day and be free that way
People sent their congratulations
And offered him a recommendation
(poem published in “The Essence of Poetry”,
United Press, 2010)
The Gypset Girl
She was going to all the parties
Life was like a box of smarties
Free like a gypsy
She was setting trends
She was a member of the Gypset
Always smiling, a real coquette
Loaded like a Kalashnikov
She had a je ne sais quoi
that would leave you
In a permanent state of awe
She emanated fun and glory
Innocence and nonchalance
Always at ease wherever she went
With a halo which was like a lasso
Attracting all sorts of talents and many suitors
She just had it all, she was a “it girl”
The Gypset girl
The ladder
On the ladder to reach the sky
Windows get cleaned, gutters emptied
My ambition, my vocation
Go up the ladder wherever it goes
Forget about chores and about closed doors
Don’t watch those who suffer
Or those who can’t walk
With my briefcase wherever I go
Go up the ladder wherever it goes
Animals can die and trees can burn
My shinny suit and I go up the ladder
Wherever it goes
My name is business and I do like excess
Business is business
Going up the ladder
Wherever it goes
J’ai rêvé sous l’eau
J’ai plongé la tête la première
Dans un sommeil profond
À quoi bon être en éveil
Lorsqu’on se s’amuse guère
Je me suis mise à rêver sous l’eau
J’ai parlé aux poissons, aux tortues de mer et aux méduses
Récolté des coquillages, observé le corail
Des rayons de lumière le transforme en vitrail
Exploré les criques et les fonds sous marins
Là où il n’y a vraiment presque plus rien
Et j’ai laissé glisser le sable entre mes mains
J’ai longuement pensé aux gens que j’aime
Et à tout ce que j’aimerais faire là-haut sur la terre
Oublié tout pour se souvenir de ce qui en vaut la peine
Nageant plus au fond, j’aperçois l’horizon profond
Là où il n’y a plus un rayon de lune ni le moindre soleil rond
J’ai touché le fond de l’océan, ses abîmes
Deviné ses dunes, et vu les ombres en amont
J’ai bien réfléchi
Je me suis mise à y croire
À croire en une bonne fée, un ange gardien
Qui me ferait voir le meilleur chemin
J’ai decidé d’ouvrir les yeux
Du bleu tout autour
Je remonte doucement, le bleu s’éclaircit
La surface est belle mais tellement loin
Des poisons-chats jouent des tours aux baleines
Des bulles d’oxygène se promènent
Des rayons de lumière enfin transpercent l’océan
Je vois le ciel bleu d’ici, enfin l’azur
Je sens sur ma peau le mouvement des vagues venues de loin
Je m’apprête à reprendre mon souffle
En apnée j’étais
Ouf je respire enfin
Prête à croquer la vie avec des dents de requin
Mon homme de tous les jours
Des montagnes bleues à la mer rouge
J’ai traversé le monde de long en large
J’ai mis les voiles, largué les amarres
Plusieurs fois j’ai invoqué le nom des dieux
Pour te trouver toi mon amour
Partout j’ai cherché les recettes et les chemins
J’ai fait des plans sur la comète
Perdu du temps, fait des détours sur les planètes
Plusieurs fois disparue dans des sables mouvants
Avant de te trouver toi mon amour
Mon vol s’etait égaré juste au dessus de Mercure
Tu m’as trouvé dans la mer toi l’homme au coeur pur
Tu es mon vol de nuit l’homme de ma vie
Mon homme de tous les jours
Pour toujours c’est toi mon amour
De l’arctique à l’antarctique
En passant par l’équateur
J’en ai vu de toutes les couleurs
Tout autour de la terre, et même sur Jupiter
J’ai du vaincre mes craintes et affronter mes peurs
Et dieu sait que j’en ai avalées des couleuvres
Avant de te trouver toi mon amour
J’ai travaillé chez les rois, fait un travail sur moi
Mangé des connifères et ravalé mes larmes plus d’une fois
J’ai vagabondé, erré sans but, sans direction aucune
Complètement aveugle autour de Saturne
Dans la brume en suspension à un kilometre de Neptune
Je me suis heurté à des impasses
Complètement obscures, c’est clair à en être lasse
À ne plus savoir ou donner de la tête
À en perdre la foi, à ne plus savoir quoi
À douter de tout et de moi même
À en oublier tout, à ne plus savoir dire je t’aime
On s’est vu, on s’est plu
Mon coeur a toi pour cible, mon dieu est-ce possible
Mes prières exaucées, tous mes rêves realisés
Est-ce grace à Mars ou à Pluton
Tous les radars le disent, je me fie aux indicateurs
Ta fusée a atteri tout droit en plein dans mon coeur
Cupide a tiré sa flèche
Nos deux coeurs transpercés
Au même instant, boum
Tiré un trait sur le passé
Déplacé venus, dépassé Uranus
Notre amour est la
Sur la planète grand A
Tu es mon système solaire mon roi
Mon soleil je suis ta lune
Non ne bouge pas
Nous sommes légers comme des plumes
Sur un nuage très proche de la lune
Aventurier au grand coeur
Beau ténébreux tu es l’âme soeur
Mon vol de nuit, l’homme de ma vie
Pour toujours c’est toi mon amour
Mon homme de tous les jours
The Artists
A Day:
We met one person, went places
It was sunny
A Week:
We met a friend, went to see a movie, there was a scandal on TV
We were feeling creative and had a good idea on Tuesday
There was a new tune on the radio
We participated in an important meeting and achieved something
A Month:
It was very cold outside
Someone we knew died
There were further negotiations between governments regarding fundamental economic issues
We got upset
We did a bit of sport
There was a new war somewhere in the world; a new writer was awarded a literary prize
We laughed
We tasted or smelled something different and listened to our favourite music
We did something we can be proud of
We learned something
A Year:
We visited a new country and opened ourselves to another aspect of someone else’s culture
We bought something important to us
A new scientific discovery was made and a new technique was developed
We had a deceptive experience but became stronger for it
Someone got married
The fashion collections were original
There was a new law on a subject which matters a lot to us
We made new acquaintances
We had a dream
A Decade:
We took a very important decision and acquired something very special
A close friend had a baby
We moved house and our direct environment changed
We met someone special who changed our life
There was an economic or financial crisis
The systems of communications were transformed
We had a very strong experience and took stock
We experienced intense happiness and deep sadness and we changed our views on many subjects
We made mistakes
We thought about life
There was a new government
Some countries were developing whilst others were on the verge of an economic cataclysm
New theories and beliefs were offered and someone we once knew became famous
Our body changed
Fashion changed
We developed new skills
We discovered a new culture
We learned how to give and how to receive
We thought about what we want out of life
We expressed ourselves in different ways
We tried to become a better person
A Century:
There was a new disease in the world
Some countries were devastated by virulent acts of God
Climates changed
The way we do things changed
Morality, Religion changed
New theories were offered
Art changed
Our habitat changed
Newly endangered species died
New creatures were discovered
New vegetation developed
New materials were invented
Our bodies - trying to adapt – changed
The environment changed
Earth changed
New stars were born and new galaxies discovered
The earth’s atmosphere changed
We understood better where we come from
We were still blind as to where we are going
All this time the artists were there
They were looking, searching, painting, capturing the moment, always creating
They were trying to understand, to express, to explain and to leave a clue
They were trying to understand the past. They condemned, glorified, copied and transformed
They were imagining the future. They suffered, asked for help, gave up, tried again
They were struggling with the present
They tried to leave a clue
They tried to be the witnesses of what the world and life are all about
They tried to communicate what they could, how they could
They wanted to leave a clue
Most were saying that what matters is love
They were whispering that the earth is beautiful and that we should look after it
Some were saying that creativity is like a divinity
As it teaches you to respect life and diversity
First nobody listened
And then eventually people said ok
What do you have to say?
They were given the task to leave a clue
They were free to offer the clue they wanted, how they wanted, how they could
There were issues about how the best clues should be selected, and by whom,
and there were fights over who should be represented
Eventually many different unique ways of expression were found:
It was said that the jury, or the choices, were subjective, not fair, breathtaking, biased, wrong, stupid, genial, beautiful, moral, shocking, interesting, sexy, passionate, severe, competent, magic, rational, sub-conscious, spontaneous, immoral, compassionate, weak, deceptive, amusing, scandalous, simple, revolting, naive, original, smart, mean, superficial, racist, sexist, good, ethic, bad, superb, politically correct, intelligent, poor, rich, vulgar, enlightened, hurting, funny, sophisticated, perfect, paternal, open-minded, efficient, religious, instinctive, mature, extravagant, artistic, tasteful, hot, mystic, bitter, talented, lousy, useless, imperial, hermetic, adventurous, sensitive, sunny, fatal, dramatic, cheap, outrageous, brave, cynical, boring, proud, inventive, pathetic, kind, miserable, easy, childish, rigorous, strong, serious, relaxing, clever, stressing, spiritual, healing, mysterious, useful, fragile, maternal, perfumed, sensible, purposeful, radical, colourful, limitative, dynamic, condemnable, fair, predictable, ridiculous, constructive, sour, sweet, kamikaze, designed, pointless, pretentious, common, obvious, devastating, natural, irresponsible, justifiable, lively, loving, forgiving, logic, worthwhile, blue, creative, sad, clever, questionable, wondrous, bright, minuscule, positive, human
And then
Life carried on
Centuries later
The events and people were remembered - sometimes
What remained were some of the clues
Art survived